Jun 14 2005, 08:52 PM
Depends what I get through the way of the snail.
The next person likes presents. |
I love presents!
The next person likes to wrap presents.
Agent Smith
Jun 15 2005, 12:42 AM
No. It is ver strenuous work, Mr. Anderson.
The next person will point out my typo
Jun 15 2005, 04:26 AM
ver = very
(But after you read 26 fourth grade papers, mostly English language learners, you tend to gloss over typos...)
The next person is suffering from a headache - ouch!
Jun 15 2005, 05:30 AM
Actually, yes. And Tylenol isn't helping, unfortunately.
The next person is experiencing very humid weather
Jun 15 2005, 08:09 AM
Yep, but I got A/C!
The next person actually experienced yesterday's quake.
Jun 15 2005, 12:34 PM
Being as how I'm in the wrong part of the world, nope - not even the after-aftereffects (in theory the wave should have travelled to here and shifted our plate by a few feet - but no one would notice.
The next person has experienced a UK-based earthquake... (late 80's there was a small one that I can remember - knocked everyone in my class off their chairs, and mum off the sofa back home!)
Jun 15 2005, 03:52 PM
Nope, only quakes I've experienced are California based ones. The last one here was fun! (If you like that kind of thing)
The next person lives in an area that gets humid in summer.
Jun 15 2005, 06:56 PM
Humid is an understatement.
The next person has a quote in their sig that makes my husband laugh.
Jun 15 2005, 07:43 PM
As mine aren't really amusing, I'm guessing no!
The next person can name three bands named after animals.
Jun 15 2005, 09:03 PM
QUOTE (http://www.gogomag.com/cgi-bin/bandnames.pl?animals) |
Adam Ant Afraid of Mice Andy Gill Angelfish Barracudas Beastie Boys Big Electric Cat Big Fish Ensemble Birdland Black Crowes Blue Hippos Bopcats Buffalo Springfield Buffalo Tom Cat Stevens Counting Crows Crazy Horse Def Leppard Dinosaur Dogs Die In Hot Cars Eagle Eye Cherry Echo and the Bunnymen Faster Pussycat Flock of Seagulls Frogpond Frogs Gladys Knight And The Pips Glass Tiger Howlin Wolf Iron Butterfly Jackyl Jellyfish Josie and the Pussycats Lobo Los Lobos (The Wolves) Mink Stole Modest Mouse Other Geese Pet Shop Boys Phish Ram Jam Ratt Reel Big Fish Reptile Robyn Hitchcock Scorpions Scruffy The Cat Skinny Puppy Snakefinger Snoop Dogg Spacehog Squirrel Nut Zippers Steppenwolf Stray Cats The Animals The Bears featuring Adrien Belew The Beatles The Beaver Brown Band The Bees The Byrds The Crickets The Dixie Chicks The Eagles The Fabulous Thunderbirds The Finn Brothers The Flying Lizards The Golden Palominos The Hammersmith Gorillas The Jesus Lizard The Lounge Lizards The Monkees The Partridge Family The Spiders From Mars The Turtles Three Dog Night Toad The Wet Sprocket Trout Fishing in America T-Rex WASP White Lion White Snake Kate Wolf Worms |
Though it misses out Super Furry Animals and Catatonia.
The next person thinks that was overkill.
Jun 15 2005, 10:42 PM
The next person does right-handed cartwheels.
Jun 15 2005, 10:42 PM
That would be an understatement.
The following poster found Quickhare's answer impressive.
Jun 15 2005, 11:38 PM
Yes, seeing as I only said 3 bands...

The next person likes to run.
Jun 16 2005, 02:22 AM
For as long as my knees will let me, yes!
The next person prefers raspberry lemonade over regular lemonade.
Jun 16 2005, 02:47 AM
I don't like lemonade that much, actually.

The next person often engages in some sort of hobby to get away from reality
Jun 16 2005, 02:51 AM
I like to make my own cards, but often I don't get away from reality doing so. Reality kind of carries on around me as I do my craft, all the while blissfully attempting to ignore reality.
The next person makes checklists so as to not forget to do things.
Jun 16 2005, 02:59 AM
Only when I'm at work - after the students leave, and I have to prep the next day, it's helpful to know what I need to copy, read, grade, etc...
The next person has had something wiped out on their computer. (I'm afraid it's my report cards...gulp!)
Jun 16 2005, 11:53 AM
It is the price I pay for having a crap computer, both at home and at work (although the one at work is generally slow rather than breaking).
The next person has a laptop they take to and from work, rather than two separate pcs...
Jun 16 2005, 04:17 PM
Nope, and I prefer it this way. Easier on my shoulders going to and from work!

The next person knows what television show Johnny Depp got his start on.
Jun 16 2005, 06:06 PM
That would be 21 jump street (now available on DVD)
The next person can name the rest of the cast.
Jun 17 2005, 12:03 AM
Sorry, but I can't.
The next person has an abundance of freckles
Jun 17 2005, 03:56 AM
Not as many as my sis, but I do have quite a few. More shall appear as I spend more time in the sun over summer!
The next person to respond is feeling rather sleepy...
Jun 17 2005, 08:59 AM
True, and I'm off to be as soon as read the latest on Anna May
The next poster will know of which HP story I am refering to.
Jun 19 2005, 02:38 AM
I can't say I recall.
The next person can whistle with two fingers
Jun 19 2005, 06:39 AM
The story is called Harry Potter and the Philitre of Promise over at Phoenixsong. Anna May is a precoious 7 yr old Seer who is a 1st year attending Hogwarts and is one of the best OCs created in many a month. The story is brilliant!
Philitre of PromiseThe next person will express their preference for the NBA Finals outcome.
Jun 20 2005, 01:33 AM
I never really cared much for basketball, so I guess I don't really mind if it's the Spurs or Pistons. But if faced with a definite choice, I would say Pistons.
The next person blushed today, at some point.
Jun 20 2005, 01:49 AM
Not that I recall.
The next person was blessed with the honor of spending it with their father. (how I envy you)
Agent Smith
Jun 20 2005, 03:51 AM
nope. My parents think Father's/mother's day is stupid. Just a way to waste money. Parents should be honored everyday
The next person is pumped up for the summer holidays.
Jun 20 2005, 04:41 AM
Yep, especially since this is the first year in the last nine that I have not had to teach summer school as a means to make rent over the summer!!
The next to repond is using a laptop.
Jun 20 2005, 05:03 AM
Nope. Haven't used one in a long while, come to think of it.
The next person finds it fascinating that the number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of Chess is 318,979,564,000.
Jun 20 2005, 11:58 AM

That said, I do love chess, and try to be as un-mathematical as possible when playing, instead relying on being an evil, devious £&£(*"! (as on opponent put it).
The next person also plays chess from time to time...
Jun 20 2005, 02:11 PM
Yes I do, with my nine year old, who reveals in humiliating his mother when he wins which is most of the time.
The next person was recently embarassed in public.
Jun 20 2005, 05:18 PM
Nope, but I did that to my friend at her bridal shower on Saturday. We played the "game" where I wrote down all the things she said while opening her gifts then read them back as the things she will say to her new husband on her wedding night. She was rather red in the face...
The next person likes the smell of vanilla.
Jun 20 2005, 07:20 PM
Yes I do.
The next person perfers floral scents to spicy.
Jun 20 2005, 08:39 PM
With no real sense of smell, I would have to pass on this one.
The next person has the instructions for 3-D chess floating around the house.
Jun 20 2005, 09:12 PM
I will have to say no to that one.
The next person finds it easier to study in silence than with soft music playing in the background
Jun 20 2005, 09:16 PM
The next person has a radio playing in the background
Here's the link to 3-D chess
Jun 20 2005, 09:48 PM
Well, I have headphones on, but listening to a CD, not a radio. Does that count?

The next person has read 'Strange Highways' by Dean R. Koontz
Jun 20 2005, 11:13 PM
Yes, I have! Great book.
The next person has light colored eyes.
Jun 20 2005, 11:36 PM
Green in colour on most days, not particularly dark, so yes.
The next person had darker coloured hair.
Jun 20 2005, 11:42 PM
I have fairly dark brown hair.
The next person has used an index card in the past hour
Jun 21 2005, 12:00 AM
Nope, but have used the little card thingies on my Rolodex...does that count?
The next person likes talking on the phone.
Jun 21 2005, 01:42 AM
Yes but I don't get to very often.
The next person likes banana splits.
Jun 21 2005, 04:56 AM
Nope, they're icky.
The next person has had to do a speech recently.
Jun 21 2005, 08:24 AM
Not in a while.
Banana splits icky? Shame on you! They're great!
The next person is taking a day off from work
Jun 21 2005, 12:04 PM
In spirit, yes - in actuality

(Can anyone tell me what a ''C-1 Fatal Tree Error!'' is? Anyone? ANYONE?!

The next person knows that despite all my complaining, I don't actually mind my job that much...
Jun 21 2005, 02:15 PM
Of course, don't we all. Complaining is simply a means by which we relieve the stress of those things we cannot control while deep down we know life could be much worse.
The next person is thankful each day for their blessings.
Jun 21 2005, 03:48 PM
Actually, thank you for reminding me of that. I was having trouble remembering that today until I read your post.
The next person likes to watch the sun set in the evening.
Jun 21 2005, 04:03 PM
As often as I can. My children, all of them, often capture our attention towards a beautiful evening sky, painted as they have been told by their Grandpa. My little princess loves it when her Grandpa sends her purple and pink clouds.
The next person still looks for pictures in the clouds.
Jun 21 2005, 04:22 PM
Of course. Its the only way to see the hidden spaceships and dragons that live in big billowy clouds.
The next person loves life, family, friends, and food!
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