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Reviewer: GryffindorLass Signed
Date: 08 May 2006 - 08:22PM Title: Socks, Sex and Soapsuds

brilliant sotry!!! i loved it and laughed so much. great job, and i lool forward to more!

Reviewer: Robyn Anonymous
Date: 17 January 2006 - 12:04AM Title: Socks, Sex and Soapsuds

OMG! It's Great so far! keep writing. I can't wait to see the next chapter

Reviewer: mary-v Anonymous
Date: 26 October 2005 - 12:06AM Title: Socks, Sex and Snape

I have to say, it;s hard to compose from rolling on the flour with laughter oneself long enough to write a review! :P Brilliant work! I LOVED this! Especially chapter 3! Ohhh! *tear* Ha! pour Harry and Ginny... Myrtle is such a dirty ghost! And I'm quite curious to know what Ron was seeing! Oh, and the part where Harry accidentally answered sex to Trelawney! *raucous laughter* Absolutely brilliant! And the poems you inserted, where hilarious! I really loved this!! Write more! ~Maria~

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