Harry & Ginny

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News on Harry and Ginny

Many of you know that I've stopped writing fanfiction altogether and have been writing pretty much exclusively original fiction for the past two-and-a-half years. This is picking up pace and doing well - and it's looking less and less likely that I'll ever get back to fanfiction.

I'll post the last chapter of 'A Pensieve Affair' soon, but the other couple of stories on the site may never get done, or there may be odd chapters posted when and if the whim surfaces. I've had a blast doing the fanfic and I've learnt so much from it all, but I think this is the end of the road. I'm having more fun with my own characters than I ever had with JKR's.

I'm going to lock the forums later this week. They'll still be open for registrations so that people can read the stories, but not for posting. I'll also keep authorising requests for the more mature stories if you email admin AT harryandginny.co.uk but you may have to be patient for a little while! Essentially, I'm leaving this place up as an archive. There might be odd updates (please join the mailing list if you want to know about those), but nothing much more. If you want to keep up with me and my writing then please get in touch.

Thanks so much for reading in the past and for still leaving me the most amazing reviews and comments now. It's made a huge difference to me and I really appreciate all of you.

--Imogen on 07 February 2008 - 08:59AM
This is a bummer...  I'm glad you're leaving it up, though.  It's been a fun ride over the years since I've discovered your writing on GryffindorTower.  (Sigh)  I guess all good things must come to an end.  I hope you will update as you are inspired.  I would still like to know what Dumbledore had in mind for Harry, Hope, and Ginny.  I've had the other site bookmarked and will continue to watch for updates.  Take care!
- hgrotewold on 20 February 2008 - 08:25PM

although very sad you hae gone soley to original fics i'm glad you had fun writing these wonderfull believable fics, as i know i've spent many wonderful hours reading and rereading them. thank you so very much.


- jeny the fab on 23 February 2008 - 06:54PM

It's great that you find plesure in writing your own fiction, but i will sorely miss the updates. I want to know wat happens in Nil Desperandum! But one can not have everything. Thanks for the great time ive had while reading your stories! and i hope that you will get your own stories published.

Thank you!

- Binnnut on 10 March 2008 - 08:44PM
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