Harry & Ginny

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© Leela Starsky

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New Chapter on Harry and Ginny

Firstly, I'm pleased to announce that Chapter 4 to Mr Pump's 'The Thorn in the Sand' is now posted for you to read here. It's called 'A History Lesson, and Chocolate Heaven'.  The journey to Hogwarts: Chelsea and Simon learn more about the world they are entering.  (Beware the plot bunnies, and don't forget to review!)

Secondly, a little bird whispered that Alphie's story may soon be up for everyone to read.

Thirdly, I also heard that Imogen is nearly finished her next chapter, and should have it in my email box in the next week for me to drool over edit.  Please cross all fingers and toes that I'm not hearing imaginary voices.

--Allie on 09 August 2006 - 12:41PM
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