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A thank you!
Summer holidays are a-coming up in about a month's time. So, as a thank you to you all for being such fantastic readers and reviewers, I'll write an outtake of your choice for 'A Pensieve Affair' at the end of July. What would you like to read? What bunnies have nibbled at your toes that you'd be interested in finding out more about? It doesn't have to be from the timeline of PA - it could be earlier and involving Flint, or a spin on of something after the story ends. It could be something from Matthew's pov. Your call.

--Imogen on 18 June 2006 - 05:18PM

Hmm - so many bunnies, so little time!

One I would quite like would be Cora and Robert discussing their (her?) dastardly plots to get Hope and Matt together. Maybe even a 'before', 'during' and 'after' timeline. 

- Mr Pump on 18 June 2006 - 05:50PM
Oooh, now that could be fun, with an interesting Gryffindor/Slytherin dynamic to boot. I've not written anything from Cora's pov before - a definite possibility!
- Imogen on 18 June 2006 - 05:55PM

Thanks! I'm going to nick your advantage right now, as our Hope so eloquently puts it:

1. Something about what Matthew did immediately after the restaurant showdown with Hope and Julius.

2. The Aurors betting on Hope/maybe the Christmas party.

3. Something about what Robert thinks of all this madness! I hardly see him these days!

Anyone...or all three, if you like! (my personal favourite would be the Matt-after-Romano's-episode). Thanks!

- Leela Patil on 18 June 2006 - 06:07PM
I won't do the Christmas party, because I've got Julius Flint's birthday party coming up in a couple of chapters time - and that's enough party for anyone! Although, having said that the UST between Hope and Matthew would be great at Christmas!

One's got good potential - because I know where he went and why! I'm less sure about 3 - although if we go with Mr Pump's idea I can fit him in there. Poor Robert - he and Cora are sadly neglected this fic.
- Imogen on 18 June 2006 - 06:14PM

If you give me the clues about where Matt went and why, I could have a go at Leela Patil's No. 1 if you like?

I haven't posted anything on the 'Highly Contagious' forum for while, and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!

- Mr Pump on 18 June 2006 - 06:56PM

If you give me the clues about where Matt went and why, I could have a go at Leela Patil's No. 1 if you like?

I haven't posted anything on the 'Highly Contagious' forum for while, and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!

- Mr Pump on 18 June 2006 - 06:59PM
Now I'm getting greedy - hit the wrong button and posted twice!
- Mr Pump on 18 June 2006 - 07:00PM

Glad you're feeling better and commiserations on the marking..there are piles of it here too!

For an outtake, what about  following PA, with Hope, Matt, Cora and Robert finally meaning up for the dinner?  

- judi on 18 June 2006 - 07:10PM
How about how Julius and Hope first . Ahem. Got together?
- sela on 19 June 2006 - 11:50PM
I'd like to see Matthew at the Weasley's, perhaps on the visit that spurred Molly's "snap him up before someone else does" comment to Hope.  If it's a birthday party for Hope or some such affair, maybe Robert and Cora would be there too.
- rzieve on 20 June 2006 - 05:51PM
I second judi's idea about a follow-up. Many virtual chocolate-covered espresso beans to help with the marking; I know the feeling well!
- caboodle on 20 June 2006 - 07:15PM
Once Bart's back from holiday, we'll merge all of the ideas and do a poll. I can't start writing until the end of this month anyway, so we've got plenty of time. There's definitely bags of potential in this lot. Keep 'em coming!
- Imogen on 20 June 2006 - 11:35PM
I'd like to see how Ginny and Harry are reacting to this whole thing
- buddy on 22 June 2006 - 05:15AM
You'll see that in chapter 25 - that's mostly in Hogsmeade.
- Imogen on 22 June 2006 - 09:33AM
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