Harry & Ginny

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The Wedding

© Leela Starsky

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Site info
The next chapter of 'A Pensieve Affair' will be up later today. The forums are currently down for essential maintenance, but as soon as that maintenance is finished and the software is upgraded, we can get the chapter up. Hang on in there - not long to go now!

--Admin on 08 May 2006 - 08:42AM


I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your website.  I'm brand new to fanfic.  I'm a high school art teacher in the US, and the advisor for the Harry Potter Club.  My students have talked about the fan sites for years, but I was never really exposed until I went to The Witching Hour, a HP Symposium, in Salem, MA in October.

I started with Leela Starsky.  She had some beautiful art work on display at the symposium.  Several pieces went up for auction, but I was not fortunate enough to get one.  I did, however, take down her name and looked her up on the Internet.  She of course, led to you....  As soon as I saw The Wedding come up on her website, I knew it was created for you.

I'm a great fan of Harry/Ginny and have always felt they belonged together.  Little did I know there was an entire world out there who agreed with me...

 Anyway, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your writing, and now that I've finally caught up with all the stories, can't wait until the next installment.  PLEASE!!!!  Tell me that you will also finish Home is Where the Heart is and Nil Desperandum

I think you're an excellent writer.  You know, Hope, Matthew, Cora, etc. are your characters, not JKR's.  Obviously you'd have to change the locations, names, etc., but haven't you thought of publishing?  I'd certainly be interested!  It must be fun, though, to have people from all around the world contacting you, and giving you instant feedback...

Anyway, keep up the good work, and GET THE NEXT CHAPTER POSTED!!!

Thanks, Kathy

- MeeMaof2 on 10 May 2006 - 09:45PM

Imogen - the new chapter hasn't been posted yet.  Is everything okay?

- hgrotewold on 12 May 2006 - 05:03PM
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