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Harry and Ginny _ General discussion _ Goblet Of Fire - The Movie

Posted by: hershey Nov 18 2005, 09:12 AM

Hi all. It's 3am! jawdrop.gif I've just got in from seeing GoF and it is brilliant.
Everything I could have asked for in the time alotted. A whirlwind ride, but I had heard it would be. You definitely get the sensed the entire film is rushed, but how on earth do you cram 700+ pages into 2 1/2 hours?! blink.gif

Please don't read further if you've not seen the moive. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.

Really liked how they reconstructed Barty Jrs. storyline to allow for no elves in the movie. Bothered only by the portrayal of the Patil twins both being in Gryffindor which I swear is incorrect. It stuck me as incredible odd that they would be sitting at the table together in the opening when everyone else is with their own house. Won't sleep until I check it out, but I am sure Padme was in Ravenclaw. The graveyard scene was incredibly creepy and Finnes portrayal of Voldemort was riveting. A bit disappointed the Velas were left out and I found Dumbledore to be a bit harsh towards Harry. More on that when I am not running off to sleep. schla18.gif

Jerry, must hear from you as to your opinions on the score. I found it to be a delightful change and perfectly intune (pun intended) with the storylines and the visual imagery.

Off to dreamland now my dears. Please share your opinions.

hug.gif Hershey

Posted by: Imogen Mc Nov 18 2005, 08:13 PM

I loved it as well. It was nicely condensed without losing too much of the book, although I do have to say that Harry spent too much of his time rolling around on the floor or being injured, but there you go.

Loved the amount of screen time that Ginny got in it, and the humour was far, far better than it had been in any of the previous three movies. I liked that the twins got to feature that bit more as well.

Great casting, nicely scary, and Hermione got to yell at Ron. What more could I have wanted?

VERY VERY happy and going back to see it tomorrow night.

Posted by: sockless Nov 18 2005, 10:17 PM

Oh holy cow I absolutly loved it! I was annoyed that Sirius wasnt in it as much as he should have been and where the heck were Bill and Charlie, but other than that I am super oober pleased!!! Ooo me gosh and how about Snape?! mmmm. . . Alan Rickman! Dumbledore was rather forceful and not as conserned for Harrys well being as par usual. mmm... good movie! fing05.gif
But now I am off to sleep because after the movie I came home did my homework and went to school.

Posted by: hershey Nov 18 2005, 11:41 PM

In spite of being in a fog-like state most of the day, my sleepy state was still well worth the midnight show. I was glad my copy of GoF confirmed my thoughts on the Patil twins, but Drie pointed out that they were depicted in the same house in PoA which I completely missed. blink.gif

Imogen I am so jealous that you get to see it again so soon. I can't wait to take my older two but our schedule won't permit it until over the Turkey day break.

What I liked besides that already mentionned:

* how Kloves altered Barty Jrs storyline without grossly deviating from the general plot
* David Tennant's tongue flicking - a very nice touch
* the World Cup, the stadium looked awesome; talk about nosebleed seats! tongue.gif
* Moody (enough said)
* the increased screen time for the Twins, Ginny and Neville; although did anyone notice that Dan needs to get a bit more height b/c Bonnie is almost as tall as he
* Neville as a fill in for Dobby; Didn't miss the elves one bit, sorry.

What I loved:

* the FOFLOL humour, I don't recall laughing that much in the first three films altogether
* the tub scene, Myrtle was a hoot and I was rolling every time Dan rearranged the bubbles and the upper body action was not too bad either
* the change in Harry's sorcerer.gif expression in the graveyard, many kudos to Dan I so felt with how he had been running long enough and ready to stand his ground
* the return back with Cedric, the eyes were definitely filled crybaby.gif

What I missed or didn't like:

* the revealing of Rita as an Animagnus
* Dumbledore's portrayal seemed inconsistent at times, akward at times, his bewilderment came across as hostility and I didn't like that; the only rational I came up with is that it better sets up his imposed distance from Harry in the next movie
*wished they had kept Hermione in blue

Oh I'm sure I will find more to add especially after another viewing. Look forward to reading everyone's thoughts.


Posted by: Rosey Nov 19 2005, 10:05 AM

How cool was that?? biggrin.gif I have to say, I loved the entirity of the movie. It had a brilliant balance of being hilarious, but so many dark parts to it. As a movie, it worked really well. My 6 friends who I went with to see it (who have never read Book 4) understood it pretty much, even though they were a few questions at the end on the car-ride home ("So what was with Crouch Snr? And how did Crouch Jnr get out from Azkaban?"). As an adaptation of the book, it was pretty well done too. Very fast paced, but it would have been the only way to get all the 'good' scenes in. Some other scenes that were included, like the learning to dance scene, were hilarious. I absolutely loved Fiennes as Voldemort. That scene was so well done.

Although, I swear the Death Eaters are the Knights who say Ni from Monty Python. Look at the hats, man! tongue.gif

Slight nit-picks - Padma Patil is in Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor! Gah! And I swear Dumbledore wasn't so angry about Harry's name being put into the Goblet. Wasn't that Snape or Karkaroff's speech he recited after Harry's name came out of the Goblet?

The only bit I *really* didn't like was the last 2 minutes after the 'Remember Cedric Diggory' speech in the Great Hall. I felt it was far too cheesy and too happy really considering that someone had just died. If they'd moved the chat with Dumbledore to before the scene in the Great Hall, and finished when the shot goes up to the ceiling, then I would have loved *all* of it. smile.gif I hate to say I was just cringing slightly afterwards.

But all in all? I'd have to say it's the best film yet. They're finally figuring out how to do them well. Hurrah! biggrin.gif

Posted by: Jerry Nov 20 2005, 06:09 AM

I just came back from watching it for the first time.

First of all, it was exceptional. This movie so outranks the previous three. Aside from the previously stated minor flaws (which I agree with, btw - Dumbledore coming out a bit too harsh after the goblet fiasco, the Patil twins both being in Gryffindor, and the veela not appearing,), I feel it was incredible. IMO, Dan, Rupert, and Emma just keep getting better as they grow older.

Some things that I liked ( there were probably more, but my head is spinning from trying to remember everything. Gotta watch it again sometime this week!):

I'll think of some more tomorrow or after I see it again.

Hershey, the score was magnificent. I like your assessment regarding it fitting in with the visual imagery - it really did fit very well with it.

Jerry, fing05.gif

Posted by: LizWeasley221 Nov 20 2005, 07:42 PM

I saw the movie on Friday night and I enjoyed it. It was funny in the right places, it scared me in others, but all together I would give it 4 stars. I think they cut too much out that was worth seeing (like Rita's secret want of finding info) and ... none of them are turning into good actors....

....I know it's terrible to say, and Dan Radcliffe is the best of the bunch, but they aren't actually good. Rupert Grint is okay and I don't cringe when he is talking but Emma Watson is SERIOUSLY annoying. She can't act! She was cute when the first movie came out and it worked, but now she is just awful and unnatural. The only thing she has going for her is that she has turned out to be a pretty girl and they want a pretty girl in their movie. As my better half said, "She looks the part of Hermione, but she can't play it." She tries too hard, has only one way of expressing "SAD" to the camera, and lines do not come out of her mouth like she is saying them. Her outburst to Harry when she was passing on the information from Ron almost made me laugh. I know she had a script! At least with the other two you think they maybe they thought it up themselves.

Obviously I have many objections to her, but overall the movie was good. She wasn't in too much of it to spoil the whole thing and the visual effects were fantastic. I loved seeing Harry with the gills, and the maze was far darker than I remembered it. Was it always more psychologically scary than visually? I liked that a lot.

Posted by: Yoda Nov 20 2005, 11:17 PM

I must go NaNo, but here is my one initial overriding thought:


and the secondary thought:

Is it me or does tiny, crinkly Voldemort look exactly like he's General Grievous?

Posted by: Julephenia Nov 21 2005, 04:06 AM

I reviewed more extensively in my lj, but I just had to pop in and pick at Liz. tongue.gif

I honestly think Emma is the best actor of the bunch. Dan is quite good, and Rupert is decent. But Emma is blowing me away with her talent. I think she nails Hermione spot on (when she's given the Hermione lines), and most actors/directors I know feel the same way.

I would go into more detail, but I've got work early tomorrow. I'll try to expand more.

(And Alex is whiny. Be back later.)

Posted by: LizWeasley221 Nov 25 2005, 11:33 PM


You have GOT to be kidding. She's awful. And all of the people I know that aren't actors and instead are stectators think so, as well. And when you say that you forget, I studied acting and theatre for 12 years of my life. I still think she's awful.

She has absolutely no range. She LOOKS like Hermione, she's the only person I can see as Hermione now because of the last four movies but she has two looks - very very very upset (with a sort of fake cry that produces no tears), and worried/annoyed (yes, they are the same facial and voice expression). She did throw in that cheesy, annoying, crush on Krum thing, though. I think she went to the Joey Tribiani school of acting and someone told her, "When you want to look like you have a crush, act like you're dizzy...just don't fall over." If she's not doing those few things she's just smiling between lines. Watching her reminded me of doing middle school theatre and how we call acted when the leads were doing dialogue... nonsensical miming.

Sorry darling, you know I disagree with you on this. I guess we know completely different people who should never go to the movies together. Next think you know you'll be suggesting I go to a Keanu Reeves movie! wink.gif

Posted by: Julephenia Nov 26 2005, 05:35 AM

Don't knock things like Matrix - when given the right role, most actors can shine.


Emma has the most talent by far - if anything, I get frustrated by Rupert (mostly because he's given nothing but comic relief, but still).

Before you pull the "I'm an actor, too," I'd like to point out that I was just seen in a professional version of the Scottish Play, and I'm currently working on a major feature film (yes, as a background artist, but it pays the bills). I, too, studied theatre and film, including with some rather big names in London. So let's keep that out of it.

I think a lot of what you are complaining about has to do with the script-writing and the directing. When I look at PoA (my personal favorite as an actor/film-student/maker), I see her shine. She had some difficult bits there, and she did very well. Kloves has long had issues with Hermione's character, but Cuaron certainly helped her figure out Hermione - she handed him a 40 page essay on the girl!

(For general imformation, Alex always manages to be a very bad boy when I'm writing important posts. Good god, man.)

I think she has the most potential for range - her lines never feel like readings, whereas the others mostly do, and I think she stands up to the adult actors very well.

And, as someone who identifies with Hermione in the books, I can say I did look like that much of a know-it-all idiot as a teenager. It's an awkward time, and you spend a lot of time standing around looking rather lost/stupid/idiotic. Especially with a cute boy near by.

What really impressed me was the Yule Ball sequence. She portrayed Hermione's confusion, hurt and anger quite well. (That and the humourous bit with Harry when she referred to Krum's "physical" tendencies. Difficult bit of timing and older humour there, and I was very impressed.)

We can disagree, but let's not bring our education/professions into, please.

Becky, who is rather cranky from another forum. Apologies

Posted by: LizWeasley221 Nov 26 2005, 10:11 PM

Becky, the reason I brought my acting background into is because you did to begin with. I thought it was a lame way of making a point about a movie and said it to prove that what you do for a living has nothing to do with if a little girl can act or not. I personally think she can't and you think she can. Have a ball. I hope for her sake that she ends up pulling it off in the end because it's what she thinks she can do.

No, I don't do theatre anymore because, personally, I think of it as a major waste of time. I thought studying it was a waste of time. But that's for me. It's why I didn't continue. If you feel it necessary to point out that you act and have worked with "rather big names in London" then great. I made my initial post to give my opinion of the movie, and you've just annoyed me twice.

This conversation is over because of it's rude to be doing this on Imogen's forums. No matter what we might think about it or what you do for a living, no one cares what we think. You go your way with your opinion and I'll go mine. That's all I have to say.

Sorry Imogen for all of this. Your forums are great! smile.gif smile.gif

Posted by: Imogen Mc Nov 27 2005, 10:00 AM

No problem, either of you smile.gif

I think all three of the HP kids are steadily improving, and you can see a significant difference in all of them in their abilities from the first film. It's particularly striking in Rupert, from what I can remember of GoF, as he's not simply pulling faces now, but is actually getting some good emotion. That jealous look he gave Harry was wonderful.

Emma - I can take or leave. She looks the part and plays bits of it well. Like Dan, she overuses the same facial range a bit too much, but that could be down to directing as much as anything.

Mostly, the films are just a lot of fun - as they're meant to be. Excellent entertainment and I shall order my DVD as soon as I can biggrin.gif

Posted by: Drie Nov 28 2005, 07:23 PM

Okay, I finally saw it yesterday with Cristin. We both loved it! I think that the graveyard scene was just as I'd imagined it.

There were a few little things that bothered me (The Patil twins, as Hershey mentioned) but on the whole, I thought that this was very well done. Loved, loved, loved Fred and George. They were excellent comic relief! I also liked the scenes with Cho. I think that Dan pulled of that awful OMG feeling you have when someone you've a crush on is in your presence and you've no idea on how to handle yourself. And Myrtle in the bath! Still laughing over that one. Also loved the Weird Sisters scene at the ball. That was perfect!

I didn't like how harsh Dumbledore seemed to me. He just seemed angry at Harry. I also am a die hard John Williams fan (have seen him conduct at the Hollywood Bowl and own many of his CDs), and I really missed his score, as I thought that the score in PoA was better, but this is just my opinion. While I didn't dislike it, it wasn't my favorite.

Overall, the movie was intense where it needed to be (that graveyard scene and returning with Cedric's body...), light and comical at times, and all around very entertaining to me. While I'm still devoted to the books, this was a fun movie to watch.

Posted by: hockeygod Nov 29 2005, 12:21 AM

I saw it the Friday night it came out and then Saturday night.

I was sorely disappointed. It was good and I did like because it is a Harry Potter movie. But think about it from the standpoint of someone that hadn't read the books. It was so choppy and jumped from action to action.

I can understand no Peeves throughout the movies, but Dobby and Winky figure into books 5 & 6 way too much to cut them out. Dobby is Harry's spy. He finds things out and tells Harry. He needed to be in the movie.

I also wanted quidditch. I thought I was going to see some and then I didn't. And the Weasley's were supposed to be in the Top Box with the Minister. Also, the Twins don't like Cedric, but that didn't come across at all.

I did not like the Barty Jr. plotline. I just did not like it.

All in all, it was ok, but I was disappointed.

Posted by: Cristin Nov 29 2005, 05:49 AM

Okay folks - it's time for my two cents (and I promise it will be brief!)

First, it's true that Drie and I went and saw it together and she and I agreed on many of the things she mentioned in her post.

I worship the ground John Williams walks on, and I seriously missed his work in this movie. Not saying this score was poor, just didn't inspire me like it did in the other 3.

Graveyard scene was PERFECT - exactly as I pictured when I read the book. I had tears in my eyes when Cedric, the old man, and Harry's parents appeared, and getting Cedric's body back pushed the tears out. Ralph Finnes was fantastic as Voldemort!

Loved the screen time the twins received, and the prefect's bathroom scene was outrageous!

Wish there was more with the World Quiddich Cup among other things, but can completely understand about cramming an entire story into a movie's time.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinions about the actors' performances. Me, I think they are improving with every movie, and I look forward to 5!

All in all, two thumbs up from me! thumbup1.gif thumbup1.gif

Posted by: hershey Nov 30 2005, 05:24 AM

I am really enjoying everyone's comments. Went to see it again after Turkey day with my older two sons. Both of whom jumped in their seats at the dragon and the grindylow. wink.gif

Christin, I too had tears for both those scenes. Amos Diggory was heatbreaking at the end and I was intriegued by how his words were the repeatition of Mr. Weasley's from the Dark Mark scene.

For anyone going to see it again soon, watch carefully in the scene with Fred and George and the GoF. After they banter with Hermione and she moves off to read her book - I swear that book is a hardcover copy of PoA. I don't know when I am going to get another chance to see the movie, so if you can confirm or deny this idea, please do.

Loved it just as much in the second viewing.


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