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Harry and Ginny _ General discussion _ Least favorite Harry Potter character and why.

Posted by: USMCDevilDog Apr 24 2004, 04:30 PM

While we love some of the characters, there are also some who we wouldn't mind strangling. But there's only a few that I don't like.

Bellatrix: because of what she did to Neville's parents and for killing Sirius.

Crouch Sr: I know his intentions were good but he took it too far.

Wormtail: I don't like people who'd betray their friends. Espescially double-agents.

Fudge: It's disgusting what a person would do to make himself look good so he can stay in power.

Posted by: Della_Luna Apr 24 2004, 07:19 PM

My friend and I actually created a list of the top people who we want to hurt as of OotP. I would post it but there's some strong language involved teu45.gif

Posted by: Ignotus Aug 24 2004, 08:00 PM

Who do I hate? A lot of people. Who do I like? A lot of people. Why? Just. Don't. Ask. Read the books. They should explain everything.

Remember when Jo said there was a chace for redemption for Peter? Well, I hope not. I hope he dies in agony instead. I don't won't him to kill Remus. I mean, it's obvious why Voldermort gave Peter a *silver* hand of all things.

As for Bellatrix, who do you think deserves to kill her? Neville or Harry?

Posted by: pdlegirl Sep 1 2004, 10:59 PM

Least favorite HP character? Crabbe and Goyle

Why? They're blobs. Dumb, ugly, pointless sidekicks.

And who should kill Bellatrix? I think Neville. Harry's got enough going on with that Voldemort fellow. wink.gif Anyway, good ole Neville deserves some revenge himself...don't you think?

Posted by: Yoda Sep 1 2004, 11:14 PM

Should anyone have to kill Bellatrix or Voldemort? Remember in 'Order of the Phoenix' that Dumbledore tries to take Voldemort alive. For Harry or Neville to kill someone, at such a young age...well, JKR said the books were getting darker. With all her 'no books beyond book seven' speech (which I love!) it does make you wonder if Harry will manage to kill Voldemort, or if he'll die. And if he does, fine, he's managed not to kill - a trait worthy of any hero.

Yoda, 'action sequences a specialty' ~ a review of my stuff!

Posted by: Jerry Sep 1 2004, 11:23 PM

With all her 'no books beyond book seven' speech (which I love!) it does make you wonder if Harry will manage to kill Voldemort, or if he'll die.

Right, Yoda, but won't Harry dying mean that everyone is doomed for all eternity? (unless the prophecy means something else, of course.)

As for my least favorite characters, it's gotta be (in order):

B. Lestrange

Posted by: Yoda Sep 1 2004, 11:34 PM

QUOTE (Jerry @ Sep 2 2004, 12:23 AM)
Right, Yoda, but won't Harry dying mean that everyone is doomed for all eternity? (unless the prophecy means something else, of course.)

Y'see, this is where my philosophising comes into it (oh no!). Consider the words of the prophecy:

'But neither can live while the others survives

Now, while Voldemort was 'dead' to the world (excepting wizards who thought along Hagrid's lines i.e. Dumbledore & his crowd) did Harry have a life of his own?

PS/SS - his first year as a wizard - thwarted Voldemort - against his will? maybe...

CoS - his second year - thwarted Tom Riddle/Voldemort - again, he was drawn into it

PoA - Harry's third year - tackles Voldemort's servant(s) - Sirius (probably without intent) drew Harry into the search for the truth/Pettigrew

GoF - the fourth year - Hello! Voldemort returns!

OotP - the fifth year - Harry, through dreams, is manipulated by Voldemort

So all in all, consider this, in the wizarding world, has Harry ever had a life to call his own? Voldemort has survived all this time - and Harry has always stopped him. So, if Harry had died, Voldemort would have lived his life, but it would have ended. So ends the misery, unless his followers carry through the reign of terror...

It's all such a complex mystery that it's brilliant, and that's why we can only wait to see what happens to our least favourite characters.

Yoda, providing thought bubbles (hopefully)

Posted by: Jerry Sep 1 2004, 11:41 PM

Interesting... I've rarely looked at it that way smile.gif

I guess you're right; we'll just have to wait for the books to arrive biggrin.gif

Posted by: Drie Sep 2 2004, 06:03 PM

Hmm. Good thoughts there, Yoda.

I'm really not liking Percy very much lately. He was never a favorite of mine, but ever since OotP, he has really dropped down. I do hope to find out that he's a spy or something, but I keep thinking that with his quest for power, he'll wind up as a DE. sad.gif

Posted by: harrypotterfan777777 Oct 2 2004, 06:20 AM

Hi everybody, first time for me doing this anywhere but figured that i'd throw in my two cents worth on this, so here we go.

1.) Uncle Vernon- For the way that he treats Harry in the books He deservers punisment of the worst kind.
2.) Umbridge-I have to agree w/h Hermionie, What an evil hag.
3.) Voldything-For obvious reasons in the books.
and last but not least
4,) Snape- for his stupidity to let go of a grudge and his harassment of Harry, how I wish that he could get a taste of his own medicine from Dumbeldore.

Posted by: Sergeant Hartman Oct 7 2004, 02:41 AM

Bellatrix: for killing Sirius

Hermione: I don't hate her but she can be pretty annoying at times.

Fudge: He's like some real politicians.

Lucius: He should die in the most horrible possible way.

Harry: I don't dislike him, but the way he was Ron Language! said Hermioneing in OOTP made me want to smack him upside the head.

Draco: It's funny how he still acts like how he was when he was 11.

Percy: I don't care if he was victim to group think, you do not betray your family

Wormtail: Don't get me started

Umbridge: She usurped the position of Headmistress and ran the school in a way reminiscent of Stalin.

Posted by: GinnyBee Dec 22 2004, 04:50 PM

Ginny: She stole my name! Back off lady, I had it first!!!

Posted by: Narcissa Jan 2 2005, 02:51 AM

Well my least are in this order

1. The Dursleys
2. Voldermort
3. Lucius Malfoy
4. B. Lestrange
5. Snape
6. Kreecher

I know there is more of them but they slip my mind :wall

Posted by: trziarre Jan 8 2005, 06:44 AM

Ron: He's a jealous prat who doesn't take time to think things through. He doesn't realize that he's richer than Harry in some ways.

Hermione: I had a lab partner like her in Biology. Annoying little.....grr. wallbash.gif

Crabbe and Goyle: They just stand there. They annoy me.

Fudge: He's an idiot.

Dumbledore: The twinkling, gets to me. bag.gif

Posted by: BookyWormy Jan 9 2005, 10:01 PM

Hmm, well i'm a hp fan, and there are definitaly some people who i dislike. besides the bad guys. and voldemort. sure, he's mean, he's killed tons of people-so what? wink.gif just kidding. but, to tell the truth, the person who i hate most is Harry.

why harry? harry.gif why our fearless hero?
becasue, honestly, i don't think that he's THE hero-i think that it is neville.

yes, neville, the almost-squib. but look at him in OotP-he's gaining powers, rapidly. also (i've heard this a dozen times from my friends that it can't be neville, the propehcy, what dumbledore said, yada yada yada-but as i was re-re-re-reading the 5th book, i came across something) in the prophecy, it never says when this will happen. the only words that allude to a date is when the one with the power to vanquish voldemort will be born. it nevers says when. it COULD have been when harry got the scar, but maybe not. maybe it will happen in the last book, when neville (beucase i seriousily think that it is neville) will kill voldemort, or die trying.

so, that is why i hate harry. he's stole all the limelight from neville, who deserves it. and, judging from the last books, how much do you bet that the fact that harry THINKS he's 'the one with the power' will make him really, really, really egotistical?

sooo, any comments on my theory? cool.gif

Posted by: buckbeakbabie Apr 8 2006, 06:06 PM

Snape. See the Lightning Struck Tower. Also for his pettiness and general bullying of Harry and Neville and no doubt countless other students. Yeah, James was pretty awful to him, but GET OVER IT! Picking on defenceless students is just cruel.

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